Illustration from the National Institute for Heath.
Students at Anderson High School are facing bullying in the school bathrooms, gym locker rooms, and on bus routes . Cruel students who may be facing their own struggles are getting involved with name calling and even harassing other students.
Dean Misty Adams says has seen a lot of bullying.
“Unfortunately bullying happens every grade level and age level, even adults. It happens even more because of social media, which makes it so much easier for people to be bullied anonymously,” Adams said.
However, Adams says there is something you can do. “My biggest piece of advice is to tell somebody. If it happens at home, tell somebody you live with. At school you can talk to counselors, deans, social workers , administrators, teachers,” Adams said. “Another piece of advice is to not let bullies get you down.”
Nevertheless, there are strategies to use to stop bullying. Adams said, “It’s okay to nonviolently tell other people to stop being a bully so standing up for others is important.”
Destiny, a victim of bullying at AHS, shared some opinions on her personal experience. “Just stop bullying because it’ll come around and bite you in the butt,” she said.
Destiny also mentions her perspective on standing up to her bully.
“I’m scared to,” she said. “She’s also a tenth grader and the things she says to me . . .” However Destiny thinks bullies don’t get caught. “Normally you wouldn’t go to someone, like it goes in one ear and out the other.”
Ultimately, despite bullying still occurring at AHS, Adams says the deans are receiving fewer reports. “I feel like this year we’ve had fewer reports of bullying than we did at this point last year,” Adams says.
If you would like to report an incident of bullying at AHS, follow the directions on the flier to the right.