While the Madison County Democratic Party has faced a multitude of leadership changes, election losses, and dwindling membership affiliations, former Indiana Rep. Terri Austin believes that she is up for the challenge of leading the party toward electoral success.

“I know there’s a lot of work to be done but I am encouraged because so many people have reached out, that would like to become more involved, let me know what I can do to be helpful, new faces have reached out, new people, and I think that’s a positive sign.” Austin said.
Following the May municipal primary, Austin was elected unanimously during a meeting of the local Democratic Present Commitment to lead the party citing the need for the party to utilize its current base, introduce fresh faces, and energize the voters of Madison County.
“We need new blood and we need to new energy, we need young people, we need middle-aged people, we need old people, we just need new people period. I’ve been listening to people, taking in their ideas, and I’ve got some ideas of my own.” Austin stated.
While Austin recognizes that there is much work to be done, she’s prepared to hit the ground running focusing head on the upcoming municipal election in Anderson.
Austin said “I’ve got some immediate tasks that I need to get done like preparing for the upcoming election, filling positions and things, but also preparing for the 2024 election. So there is a lot of work to be done.”
Seeing that the City of Anderson has been treading further towards Republican candidates, through hard work and impressive candidates, Austin believes Democrats could sustain the Mayoral seat and their majority on the Anderson City Council.
“There may be a couple of changes, but I’m not sure yet, I feel very confident that we’re going to save the Mayor’s race and I think overall we are going to do very well in this election,” said Austin.