In my opinion Students should be able to go to the restroom when they need to instead of holding it in.
At Anderson High School the first 10 minutes of class and the last 10 minutes of class Students can’t go to the restroom and a lot of kids get mad because of this rule. I think that if Students have to go to the restroom then they should be able to instead of holding it in.According to Dr.Sharp If a Student/adult holds in their urine for too long it will give bacteria the chance to multiply and settle in the bleeder which leads to an infection. A Lot of Teachers think that Students just go to the restroom to talk to their friends or to skip class or to vape or fight which sometimes that is true but most of the time they just go in there to use the restroom.
Teachers give out restroom passes because if a Teacher asks where they are going they can show the pass and it will also have the time that they left the classroom.
I think that if Students ask to go to the restroom they should be able to and there should be a time limit maybe like 5-minutes so they have enough time to use the restroom. I also think that if Teachers don’t trust the students then maybe the whole class should go that way so the Teachers can watch out for all the Students.
Students that are 11-15 years can hold 165-225 ml and Adults can hold 300-400 ml which means that kids can not hold in there pee as long as adults so when the Students need to go to the restroom then Teachers should let them go to the restroom instead of holding it in or telling them to wait. Students like to talk during the passing period and they never have the chance to go to the restroom or the kids who can go to the restroom during the passing period they don’t have enough time to go.
I think it’s important to let Students go to the restroom when they need to go.