Anderson High School’s (AHS) had a Halloween door decorating contest. Door decorating can be fun and I think students at AHS really enjoy it. This door decorating contest is where students at AHS help teachers decorate their classroom doors for Halloween and doors were voted on by other students and staff there will be a winner. Students had 3-4 days to help teachers decorate their doors and compete in the contest.
Some students helped out teachers decorate their doors and some lucky classes won the decorating contest.
For those students who didn’t win I’m sure they had a lot of fun decorating and competing.
Door decorating emphasizes a lot of good traits like teamwork and courage. I think that students can inherit a lot of those just by being around each other and working as a team in a competition or just working as friends.
This contest can also create friendships too by all the teamwork that everyone needs to have in this competition.