The Tribec ast crew is a very talented group of kids who all work together to get episodes done. One of the most important people on the team is chief editor Mason Bryan.

When you enter the Tribecast room, Bryan can usually be seen with a computer open, working on the latest project. But who is Mason Bryan, and what makes his editing style unique from the others?
“I started out as just any other student, and then using the Macbooks they provide, I learned editing and became a lead editor,” Bryan said.
Before Bryan was an editor, he wanted to be a photographer. When asked, Bryan said, “Originally I liked photography, which got me into multimedia stuff. But then I got into the video aspects, and how to make a video. I kind of want to work on movies one day, either as editor or doing cinematography.”
As the editing supervisor, Bryan works on the graphics on the Youtube channel.
Leader of Tribecast Mr. Biller had this to say about Bryan, “We have consistent shows everyday, all of which have similar editing, which is very good for an episodic program. He actually came up with the template for editing Tribecast. We have a brand thanks to Mason.“

On Bryan as a student, Biller stated that Bryan is a good student, motivated less by grades and more by releasing a good project into the world.
On what he wants to do in his future, Bryan said, “Originally I wanted to do Aerospace engineering, which I’m still interested in, but I’ve done a lot more computer science and tech support, so I want to go into the IT field, but who knows? I might go into videography, cinematography, or editing. I’ve also always been interested in journalism, specifically, photojournalism.”
On joining Tribecast, Bryan said, “If you’re interested in Tribecast, go talk to your counselor and get in it. You’ll love it, trust me. It’s fun, and you get to be a part of school activities. Also, it’s a good thing to put on resumes and college applications, so I hope to see you all next year.”