Lunch time at school has been seen as time for kids to socialize and have free time to speed with their friends and be on their phones. Though school lunch is good for social life, many students don’t like the food as much. School lunch is one of the bigger topics when it comes to school life, but is it really as bad as people say or is it an over exaggeration.
Many of the students I talked to had relatively the same opinion, whether that be that school lunch is just okay or just bad in general. Raquel Guyton, a sophomore has this to say about school lunch. “ It’s mid, if you’re hungry it’s good”. Guyton is not the only one who feels this way about school lunches, Amethyst Cox-Figaniak, a junior, has similar thoughts on lunches. “ It’s okay but it’s not my first choice.”. Many students feel the same way or have similar opinions. Whether that be that school lunches are all around bad or just not something they would pick if they had other options. Though most students didn’t have much to say about school lunches one student has a more detailed opinion on the school food. Mckayla Maiden-Swain, a junior, had this to say.
“ In my opinion, as someone who has had 3 years of Anderson high school lunch experience, it is horrid, it is disgusting, it makes me want to throw up every time i eat it, I have incredible shits after it is insane.” “ anyone deciding to come to Anderson i would say pack your own lunch or bring money for the snacks”
Though we can already see what she thinks about the food, when asked what she thought can improve with lunch she has this to say. “ I think we should forget about what Michelle Obama said and we allow sugar back into our food”. Though her opinion is harsh, it’s also valid. We may have a lot of options but that doesn’t necessarily mean the options are good
Although most students think school lunch is mid, some students think school lunch is actually okay and good at that. Don’Tavea Nance, a sophomore, has a better perspective on school food. “I mess with it, my favorite school though is the chili and the sloppy joes.” but when asked if she thought school lunches could be better or worse she had this to say. “ better, way better”.
Even though some people like school lunch most of students think school lunches could be better in some ways
There are some teachers at AHS who eat school lunch and think school lunches are good. Alec Neal, a chemistry teacher here at AHS had this to say about school lunches “ when i eat school lunch i usually go for the sandwiches or like the peanut butter sandwiches, i don’t usually go for the unique ones, but i’m sure they’re fine.”
When asked how lunch is compared to when he was in high school he had this to say. “ I didn’t go here but I would probably say that it’s better now probably because of the variety”. Again though that is valid, variety doesn’t necessarily mean quality
At the end of the day school lunch is something that we as students and teachers should be thankful for considering how hard lunch staff work to cook and serve us and how many schools outside america don’t get school lunches. Some may say students are exaggerating but until you try our school lunch, you’ll just have to take our word for it..