The dress code at Anderson High School is being enforced more after it was relaxed the past couple years during the COVID-19 pandemic. But, like a lot of other female students I believe the dress code is mainly targeted towards female students.
De’jeria Pullin, a female student at Anderson High School supports this claim. “I think it’s targeted towards females,” Pullin said. “If we wear it outside of school it shouldn’t matter.”
I completely agree with that statement because we see almost everyone in school wearing these items outside of school, including teachers and other staff members.
So, if people wear it outside of school, it shouldn’t be a problem. So why has the administration decided to enforce it now after it being so relaxed the past couple of years?
Students honestly don’t think that’s reasonable or fair. Pullin says that students were given freedom the past couple of years and now it’s being taken away.
“They gave us all this freedom and now they’re taking it back, thinking we’re just going to be able to follow the directions as fast as they’re changing the rules.” It just doesn’t make sense to start enforcing the dress code when there’s bigger problems and more important things that should be being enforced and changed.
I believe dressing how we want does help us in educational settings because it allows self expression and it also allows students to be noticeably different from one another. Pullin said, “We are able to express ourselves and shows who and what we are.” I think this is valid because high school is where we learn ourselves, and how we dress is extremely important especially while we are already trying to find ourselves throughout our teenage years.