Most people get their driver license in high school. But some students also get their first car in high school. For many, this means freedom and not having to ask parents to take them places.

Sophomore Justin Jones recently got his first car. He has a Chevy Aveo, which is a good-looking car for a first ride.
He got it from his grandpa so he could get around and get from one place to another. Jones is self-employed. He does lawn care so if you need someone to mow, he’s your guy. “It is an okay car,” Jones said, he just
doesn’t 100 percent recommend it. However, it is comfortable. It’s good on gas and doesn’t run out fast.

Junior Jensen Shryock’s first car is a 2006 Cummins. Shryock does not recommend it as a first car. “Get something cheaper and more reliable,” he said. He likes the power and sound it makes, but doesn’t like how expensive diesel fuel is and how easy it rusts. Shryock rebuilt the truck himself after his dad totaled it by hitting a wall.

Senior Reeve Jarrell is a student. She drives an orange 2009 Honda Fit. It’s easy to drive, has decent gas mileage, it’s a good size and it’s cute. That being said, Jarrell says that it isn’t a perfect car. “I don’t like how long it takes to speed up after being stopped.” Like many others, Jarrell inherited the car from a family member. “It was handed down to me from my older sister,” she said.
My advice is if you don’t like the bus get a friend that can drive.